Anyone can program

Anyone with a child under the age of 19 knows that "anyone can cook".  Thanks to Ratatouille and the folks at Pixar, a whole generation of chefs has been inspired and emboldened.  As someone working in the software industry, I have a similar vision and it is this: anyone can program.

Woah, you say.  "Isn't programming for hardcore nerds?  People with degrees in Computer Science or PHDs from Stanford?"  Yes, yes it is.  But it is also for the Unemployed Factory Worker looking to reengage in the workforce.  It is also for the Gym Manager looking for something other competing with their peers for the sole Regional Manager spot.

The software/tech industry is awash with opportunity, so much so that many job postings for senior folks continually go vacant and the top 10 of the jobs with the greatest expected salary gains are software related.  So why can't this opportunity belong to anyone?

The answer is that it can.  It will take a little vision, but I believe that in as little as 6 months anyone can be ready for an entry-level position and in 3 to 5 years anyone who sticks with it will be in a strong middle or upper income job.  

Anyone can program.  It's up to us to inspire them to try.